We are all constructed out of our self dialogue.
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Ben Jonson has been in the solar industry for over 5 years. He started as a Confirmer and quickly became a top level consultant within 6 months. Ben has not looked back.
Avie joined the Sunrgy Solar Team in 2016. Coming from the pharmaceutical industry, Avie loved the sustainable aspect of solar energy and has finally found her niche.
Christy has over 5 years of experience as a Finance Manager in the automotive industry. She decided to pursue her passion in renewable energy in 2017.
Rodney is the most junior consultant on the team. What Rodney lacks in experience, he compensates in enthusiasm. His clients appreciate his tenacity and his will to make “things right” for them.
Want to work with us or just internship?
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est etiam processus dynamicus, qui sequitur mutationem…